Aquaculture Resources

General Resources

To find documents on a wide range of aquaculture topics, visit the national Extension website and enter the topic into the search box. The organizations listed below are also excellent sources of information.

Fish Health

Because fish can die from viral, bacterial, or environmental factors often with similar symptoms, any background information that can be provided is very helpful to diagnosticians. At a minimum, they need to know the species and size of fish affected; stocking density; how many fish have died; the rate at which they are dying; water temperature and quality; pond size; and disease symptoms. Please note that some labs offer their services for free while others charge a minimal fee. Please be careful to:

  • Collect good samples
  • Call the receiving lab before shipping the sample to ensure someone will be there when the package arrives
  • Package and send the samples according to the diagnostician’s recommendations

Missouri Fish Health Contacts

Popular Diagnostic Labs